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False Teeth

What Are False Teeth?

A gap in your smile could affect your self-esteem. That’s why, over the years, denturists have created a number of different types of dentures to fill these gaps.

With dentures, patients can choose from a wide range of false teeth solutions that can be tailored to meet your individual needs. From single-tooth dental flippers to traditional dentures and the more modern denture implants, false teeth can provide patients with the functionality and the capability they need to laugh, smile, and bite once again without feeling self-conscious.

Which False Teeth Option Is Best For Me?

If you're missing one or more teeth but are unsure which treatment solution is right for you, we've complied a brief explanation of the various false teeth options available to most patients.

Temporary Restorations:

Dental Flipper: a dental flipper is a type of temporary denture that is most commonly used as a short-term tooth replacement for patients who have experienced a sudden or unexpected tooth loss due to trauma or infection.

Permanent Restorations:

Traditional Dentures: traditional dentures can be used to replace an entire upper or lower arch of teeth, or a section of missing teeth on either arch. Patients often choose dentures for their simplicity, durable and affordability.

Flexible Dentures: flexible dentures are a great alternative to traditional partial dentures, especially for patients who want a more natural feel without sacrificing affordability.

Denture Implants: also known as implant supported dentures, a denture implant is a modern take on the traditional denture. Unlike a traditional denture which requires adhesives to stay in place, denture implants are secured to the jaw using a number of implant posts. Patients like denture implants because they stay firmly in place, require less maintenance and they can also be conveniently removed when needed. Denture implants are less affordable than traditional dentures however to make the treatment more affordable, most dental clinics offer low interest or no-interest financing and payment plans.

False Teeth Benefits

You may need false teeth if some of your natural teeth need replacing or if you’ve lost several teeth, or you wish to upgrade your current false teeth to something newer and more comfortable.

Whatever type of dentures you choose, you’ll get a whole host of benefits, including:

  • Renewed confidence to smile, talk and eat like you normally would
  • Better ability to chew food
  • Restored facial features
  • Improved oral health and protection of your natural teeth
  • Long-term, cost-effective solutions

Learn More

If you'd like to find out whether an implant is right for you, contact Toronto Denturist Meri Paparisto for a free consultation.


False Teeth Danforth Toronto
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